Toll Tax immunity restored for MNAs

By Makhdoom
Shehryar Babar

ISLAMABAD: Amid crashing economy, overloaded Taxes on masses and sky-rising inflation, the government has decided to ‘relieve’ the Members of National Assemble (MNAs) by exempting them from toll taxes on motorways and highways.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf government had abolished toll tax exemptions for all the senators, national assembly, and provincial assembly members. The decision to reinstate the exemption came during a recent standing committee meeting presided over by Senator Prince Omar Ahmadzai. At the session, Ahmadzai learned about the devastation caused to the road infrastructure by recent floods. The session also saw the participants criticize NHA for not performing its duties properly.
Senator Saifullah Abro lamented the increase in toll tax on motorways from Rs. 160 to over Rs. 1,000. The hike has made it difficult for people to use motorways, he added.
Senator Kamil Ali Agha stated that the department should prioritize restoring the roads from the toll tax money. He added that the M2 has deteriorated to a dangerous degree and that it is difficult to travel on it.
While the senators criticized NHA for not doing its job, people denounced the government’s decision to reinstate toll tax exemption for MNAs, stating that they should get the same treatment as the masses.
The social media has been stormed with a notion that the government is throwing its weight onto the public while enjoying the spoils of “unaccountability” and “corruption”. This tactic, like many others from the current government, is not popular among the people as they demand equal imposition of taxes on the government servants.