Virtual workshop held on prevention of Cyberbullying

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister’s Strategic Reforms Unit in collaboration with Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Friday organized a virtual workshop for supporting and facilitating women in reporting the abusive behavior and vile trolling on social media.
The virtual meeting decided the creation of women forum for awareness and earliest resolution of cybercrime cases under the supervision of Prime Minister’s Strategic Reforms Unit and FIA, said a press release. Moreover, series of such workshops would also be organized for all the segments of women including students, housewives, and female staffs in the public and private organisations across the country.
Head Prime Minister’s Strategic Reforms Salman Sufi highlighted that growing violence and instances of Cyberbullying in the society.
In his opening remark, Salman Sufi said that although social media trolling can affect both women and men, however, the women experience different and more traumatic forms of cyberbullying, he said.
He said it can leave a permanent trauma on a woman whereby public memory of shaming and blaming can lead to distress such as anxiety and depression due to the stigma associated with cyberbullying also causing mental health challenges.
A sizeable number of women working in public and private organisations participated in the workshop and cited their experiences and concerns.
Officials FIA, Additional Director and Deputy Director, sensitized the forum about the policy framework and reporting mechanisms for cybercrime and encouraged the women to not stay silent on such instances rather raise voice and report such cases to help eradicate cyberbullying.