Gwadar soon to have mega building of ‘Punjab House’

GWADAR: At a dedicated site in Gwadar, emerging Port City, an embryonic process has kicked off to construct a mega building for “Punjab House”, signifying the goodwill gesture that Punjab is ready to team up with the Gwadar administration in materialization the dream of sustainable development.
It is supposed to be used by the Government of Punjab, Government of Pakistan for the Chief Minister’s annex, banquets, government official meetings, and as a state guest house.
A dedicated site has already been allotted under Gwadar Master Plan 2025 and groundbreaking will go underway after the finalization of the required paperwork and various procedures.
Punjab House, to be constructed at the earliest, will offer the best accommodation, food, and beverage at subsidized rates to officials of the Punjab government as well as politicians hailing from Punjab.
The significant development augurs well in the backdrop of the new tune-up of PC-1 of Gwadar Smart City Master Plan, a document, prepared by Chinese state-owned company China Communications Construction Company in conjunction with Pakistan’s Minister of Planning and Development, and Gwadar Development Authority that lays down a comprehensive road map to let Gwadar become the trade and economic hub of South Asia.
Sources privy to Punjab Secretariat said that the Punjab government has decided in principle to construct Punjab House in Gwadar. –Agencies