Dar vows to cut interest rates, tackle inflation

-Takes Oath as Finance Minister
-Says Rupee isn’t at the place where it should be

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s new finance minister Ishaq Dar said on Wednesday he will work to rein in inflation while cutting interest rates, saying the rupee was undervalued and promising a strong response to the South Asian nation’s worst economic crisis.
In his fourth time in the job, the chartered accountant is facing a balance of payment crisis, foreign reserves that cover barely a month’s imports, historic lows in the rupee, inflation exceeding 27% and the aftermath of devastating floods.
“We will control inflation,” Dar told reporters in televised comments after he was sworn in. “We will bring interest rates down,” he said. He did not explain how he would tame price pressures while also cutting rates. Dar also had a warning for currency market speculators, saying that the Pakistani rupee was undervalued.
It has weakened more than 30% against the US dollar so far this year.
“Our currency right now is not at the place where it should be, it is undervalued,” said Dar, who is known to favour currency market intervention to keep the rupee stable.
“I hope the speculators will stop. I think they have already got it and we are seeing the rupee rising,” he added. “No one will be allowed to play with the Pakistani currency.”
The country’s sovereign dollar-denominated bonds fell to record lows on Wednesday, signalling growing fears of a default.
Shorter-dated issues suffered the biggest decline, with the 2024 bond bid at 40.2 cents on the dollar, according to Tradeweb data . Bonds due in 2025 and 2027 fell just over 4 cents while longer-dated maturities were bid at just over 36.6 cents in the dollar.
The premium demanded by investors to hold the bonds blew out to record levels, with the sovereign spread over US Treasuries widening to 2,442 basis points on the JPMorgan EMBI Global Diversified index.
“We thought even before this (the huge floods) that there was a high likelihood of a debt restructuring so the way I would put it is that likelihood is now significantly higher,” said Carl Ross, a partner at investment firm GMO.
“The numbers being talked about, 10% of GDP or so in damages, that is probably going to require burden sharing across a lot of different stakeholders.”
A member of parliament’s upper house, Dar got the job after his predecessor, Miftah Ismail became the fifth to quit the post in less than four years, amid persistent economic turbulence.
The rupee has been gaining firmly ahead of his appointment and stocks responded positively before Wednesday’s swearing-in.
Dar, a senior politician in the ruling party of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, flew to Islamabad on Monday night after ending five years in self-exile in London.
In 2017, he had been facing corruption charges he says were politically motivated, but last week an anti-graft court suspended warrants for his arrest, enabling his return. On Wednesday, the court extended the suspensions.
“I told the court that my passport was revoked,” Dar said. “I wasn’t able to travel for the last four years,” he added, describing the legal action against him as political victimisation by the previous government of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Khan’s party denies this.