FO rebuffs India’s terror charges against Pakistan

-Says Delhi’s international terror blames an attempt to cover up Safron terror
-Calls on Global community to hold India accountable
-Argus Indian accusations meant to mislead World
-Remarks aimed at masking India’s own credentials as terror-sponsor

By Our Diplomatic

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Monday trashed Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s remarks as ‘irresponsible and gratuitous’, insinuating Pakistan’s so-called involvement in ‘international terrorism’.
Indian news outlet The Hindu reported that Jaishankar, while speaking at an event in Vadodara city on Saturday, said: “No other country practices terrorism in the manner in which Pakistan has done. You show me anywhere in the world what Pakistan has done for so many years against India.”
According to the report, he said that India was thought of as an “expert in IT (Information Technology)” while Pakistan was known as an “expert in International Terrorism”.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in a befitting reply not only snubbed Jaishankar, but also called on the international community to hold India accountable for its “patronage of terrorist entities and for instigating unrest in neighbouring countries.”
The foreign office said that the remarks were another manifestation of the Indian leaders’ obsession to concoct facts with respect to terrorism to mislead the world community.
“The remarks are made “to point fingers at neighbours in a bid to mask India’s own well-known credentials as a state-sponsor of terrorism and a serial violator of human rights.”
“Nowhere is the state-terrorism more evident than in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), where over 900,000 Indian occupation forces continue to terrorise, torture, and torment innocent Kashmiris with impunity,” reads the statement.
It added that the world was also aware of the “saffron terror” orchestrated and unleashed by the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) zealots against Muslims in India.
Talking about Pakistan’s response to terror activities, the Foreign Office said that Pakistan’s contribution to world peace and fighting terrorism was widely acknowledged by the international community.
“Pakistan is the only country that has stemmed the tide of terror directed against it from elements and states with inimical motives. In reality, India has been involved in supporting terrorism against Pakistan from its own territory and from other countries in the region,” it added.
The foreign office said that India’s mischievous campaign to masquerade as a “victim” of terrorism and to hoodwink the world community by hypocritically levelling allegations against Pakistan was pathological.
Speaking about Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadhav — who is a serving Indian navy officer and Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) operative — FO says he is involved in planning, supporting, abetting, and executing terrorist activities in Pakistan and remains a stark reminder of India’s true face as a state sponsor of terrorism.
“India would be well-advised to abjure its policy of state terrorism in IIOJK and against the Muslims in India and allow the Kashmiri people to exercise their right to self-determination as enshrined in the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and as per their wishes,” said FO, expressing displeasure of India’s baseless allegations.