China, Kazakhstan to share opportunity, safeguard security

BEIJING: Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan on Thursday voiced China’s willingness to join hands with Kazakhstan in order to continue adhering to each other’s core interests, sharing development opportunities and safeguarding mutual strategic security and development interests.
Wang made the remarks when meeting with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana.
Wang conveyed Chinese President Xi Jinping’s sincere greetings and best wishes to Tokayev, adding that following President Xi’s visit to Kazakhstan last month, the two leaders have agreed to promote building a community with a shared future for China and Kazakhstan through thick and thin, of everlasting friendship and high mutual trust.
Under the strategic guidance of both leaders, Wang said the friendship between the two countries is solid as a rock, and the China-Kazakhstan permanent comprehensive strategic partnership is showing a strong momentum.
Wang stressed the importance of the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to be held at a crucial moment on the new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects. For his part, Tokayev asked Wang to convey his sincere greetings and best wishes to President Xi Jinping, adding that Kazakhstan highly praises China’s significant role in the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) cooperation.
The 20th CPC National Congress is an epoch-making event, Tokayev said, and it will make China open a brand-new chapter in building a modern socialist country in all respects and open up a new journey to achieve the second centenary goal.
Developing relations with China has always been Kazakhstan’s diplomatic priority, he said, adding that Kazakhstan will firmly adhere to the Belt and Road Initiative, and join hands with China to constantly consolidate the China-Kazakhstan permanent comprehensive strategic partnership. When addressing the sixth CICA summit on Thursday, Wang said the CICA should strengthen solidarity and coordination, properly tackle challenges and endeavor to build an Asian community with a shared future. Upholding mutual respect and trust and implementing the Global Security Initiative, Wang urged the CICA to pursue security that is common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable, so as to safeguard the peace and tranquility in Asia.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item