Xi calls on nation to pull together with one mind

BEIJING: Xi Jinping on Monday called on all Chinese people to stay united as “a piece of hard steel” under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and pull together with one mind to power the giant ship of national rejuvenation through the wind and waves to reach its destination.
Xi made the remarks when he joined a group discussion with delegates from south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region who are attending the 20th CPC National Congress.
Xi said the 20th CPC National Congress further points out the direction for the development of the Party and the country’s cause and serves as a political declaration and program of action for the Party to unite Chinese people to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Five delegates from Guangxi shared their views on the report to the 20th CPC National Congress delivered by Xi at the opening of the congress on Sunday. They expressed unanimous endorsement of the report.
Xi joined the delegates in a lively discussion. After listening to their comments, Xi said he is pleased to participate in the discussion as a fellow delegate of the Guangxi delegation.
Hailing the tremendous changes Guangxi has undergone in the past decade, Xi said that such achievements are a vivid epitome of the great changes taking place in China in the first 10 years of the new era.
The cause of the Party and the country has withstood potential dangers and overcome difficulties over the past decade, achieving a series of breakthroughs and yielding landmark results one after another, Xi said.
The major policies, principles, plans and decisions of the CPC Central Committee have proven to be in every way correct. The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is suited to China’s realities, reflects the will of the Chinese people, and responds to the call of the times, he said.
Xi called on CPC members to firm up confidence in history, exhibit greater historical initiative, and perform their duties well for history and the people on the road ahead.
To study and implement the Party’s innovative theories, one must understand and grasp their worldview and methodology, he said.
The report submitted to the 20th CPC National Congress stresses that the entire Party must put the people first, maintain self-confidence and stand on our own feet, uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, adopt a problem-oriented approach, apply systems thinking, and maintain a global vision.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item