Xi urges unity to achieve rejuvenation

BEIJIJNG: Xi Jinping has called on all Chinese people to stay united as “a piece of hard steel” under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and pull together in steering the nation toward its great rejuvenation.
He made the remarks in a group discussion on Monday with delegates from the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region attending the 20th CPC National Congress. Xi, a member of the Guangxi delegation, was elected in April by unanimous vote at the region’s Party congress.
The delegates were discussing the report delivered by Xi on behalf of the 19th CPC Central Committee at the opening session of the congress on Sunday.
During a lively discussion, in which five delegates from Guangxi shared their views on the report, Xi stressed that the report has charted the way forward for the cause of the Party and the State, and it serves as a political declaration and program of action for the CPC, the world’s largest Marxist ruling party, to unite and lead the nation in upholding and furthering socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The five delegates expressed unanimous endorsement of the report and agreed that, from a commanding height in considering both China’s national rejuvenation and the drastic changes in the world unseen in a century, it scientifically lays out goals, tasks and major policies for developing the cause of the Party and the country in the next five years or an even longer period, putting forward a series of new approaches, strategies and measures.
Xi highlighted the need to firmly bear in mind the mission of seeking national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization.
The past five years and the past decade have been truly momentous and extraordinary, with the CPC and the nation securing a host of breakthrough developments and landmark results after overcoming various challenges and obstacles, he said.
This has fully vindicated the policies and work plans laid out by the CPC Central Committee and proved that socialism with Chinese characteristics is a path that suits China’s reality, reflects the will of the Chinese people and is in keeping with the trends of times, he added.
The path is not only correct and practicable but also promises stability and good prospects, he said.
Xi called on CPC members to firm up their confidence in history, exhibit greater historical initiative, and perform their duties well for history and the people on the road ahead. He called for Party members to gain a faithful command of the key principles laid out in the report — putting the people first, maintaining self-confidence and self-reliance, upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, adopting a problem-oriented approach, applying systems thinking and maintaining a global vision.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item