All-inclusive rural revitalization

BEIJING: Solving the three rural issues—the development of agriculture, the rural areas and farmers—is a top priority for the Communist Party of China (CPC). In his address to the Central Rural Work Conference on December 28, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed the need to mobilize the whole Party and society to promote rural revitalization.
The political discourse on rural revitalization has become a reference point for Chinese society. Many large companies, universities, professional organizations and associations, architects, designers, artists and other members of society have all responded to the government’s call. Here are two inspirational cases of village revival under this approach: Huangling Village and Hanxi Village in Jiangxi Province.
Huangling in Jiangxi’s Wuyuan County is one of the ancient villages featuring the unique Huizhou-style architecture. It is considered one of the most beautiful villages in China. About 500 years ago, locals moved from neighboring Anhui Province’s Huizhou region to the mountainous area of Wuyuan, establishing their new home on a steep mountainside. Fast forward to the 20th century, the village’s development faced many obstacles. In 2009, the local government decided to build a new village at the base of the mountain along the highway and relocate the 320 residents of the ancient village. That same year, Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co. Ltd. was founded, implementing the project through its own investments and becoming the village’s management company.
–The Daily Mail-Beijing review news exchange item