EU officials briefed over IoK situation

MUZAFFARABAD: A two-member European Parliament delegation visited the AJK capital and called on Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan, here, on Thursday.
The members were Juvin Herve and Virginie Joron, who held the meeting with AJK PM, in his office, and discussed the latest situation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
The senior Minster Khawaja Farooq Ahmed, Finance Minister Abdul Majid Khan, Minister for Forest Muhammad Akmal Sargala, Chairman Inspection Commission Raja Mansoor Khan, AJK Chief Secretary Dr. Muhammad Usman Chachar, Principal Secretary Ehsan Khalid Kiyani,Secretary

Presidential Affairs Dr.Syed Asif Hussain and Secretary Services Raja Pervez were present on the occasion.
Talking to delegation, the Prime Minister of AJK Sardar Tanveer Ilyas said that India was constantly involved in gross human rights violation in IIJOK against unarmed common citizens, adding that after scraping the Article 370 and 35-A which had abrogated the special status of the occupied valley, from its constitution, on August 5, 2019, the Indian government since then was engaged to snatch all the basic human rights given to Kashmiri people.
The AJK PM also deplored Indian attempt to change the demography of occupied Kashmir, issuing domiciles and state to non-state residents belonging to India in a bid to convert the majority Muslim state into a minority.
The AJK premier said that Indian occupied forces were martyring the Kashmiri people on daily bases and destroying their residential houses and properties by using bulldozers.
He also said that Modi-led government was hell-bent to cripple the disputed valley’s economy while targeting various business outlets.
The AJK premier apprised that Indian armed forces were using the citizens as human shield and its undisciplined forces were involved in gang rape in IIOJK to coerce the people to give up their legitimate freedom struggle.
He expressed his disappointment over the silence of international community towards the grave inhuman acts in IIOJK and over the Indian continued denial from resolving Kashmir dispute according to the UN resolutions as per the wishes of Kashmiri people.
Tanveer observed that they[Pakistan] wanted peace in this region and the peaceful settlement of issues between India and Pakistan, particularly, the Kashmir dispute which was lingering from over seven decades.
The European delegation on the occasion said that they were fully aware of the international issues and whenever Kashmir comes into discussion, a beautiful picture of mesmerizing beauty of mountainous steams, waterfalls and valleys of Kashmir came across their minds.
The EU members regretted that mostly the western people don’t know the difference between Azad Kashmir and Indian held Occupied Jammu and Kashmir in political terms because of minute knowledge about this region, and expressed their resolve that they would play their role in highlighting the Kashmir dispute on international level. –Agencies