Scientists take to Cyberspace in force

BEIJING: Zhang Xiyue resisted the temptation to go on a spending spree for her favorite skin-care products during the Nov 11 Singles’ Day shopping festival this year.
Like many young women her age, Zhang, who is in her 20s and comes from Xiamen, Fujian province, does not scrimp when it comes to taking care of her skin, and the annual promotional event is usually a prime time for her to stock up on a variety of products.
Her purchases used to be determined by promotional slogans. “I was greedy, and believed that the more items I bought, the better my skin would be,” she said, adding that in the past she applied five skin-care products, including two serums.
This situation changed when Zhang started to follow vlogs from doctors at leading hospitals nationwide, including Sun Qiuning from Peking Union Medical College Hospital. “Sun has provided me with a wealth of skin protection knowledge, and through her advice, I have avoided making some bad choices,” Zhang said. Since Sun presented her first footage on the video-sharing platform Douyin in March 2020, the doctor has produced hundreds of vlogs popularizing skin science. The advice she offers includes ways to treat nettle rash and eczema, as well as choosing the right ointments and other skin-care products.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item