Islamophobic attacks worry Muslims

BERLIN: German authorities registered at least 662 Islamophobic crimes in 2021. Over 46 mosques were attacked between January and December last year and at least 17 people suffered injuries because of anti-Muslim violence.
Süleyman Demir, project director at the anti-discrimination group, Inssan, said attacks on Muslims and mosques have seen a rise following the coronavirus pandemic and the situation is serious as Germany is facing economic difficulties. “The statistics have definitely increased, especially for women who wear a headscarf,” Demir told Anadolu Agency (AA).
“We are also increasingly seeing from our community that not only men but also women who wear the hijab and niqab are exposed to much more physical attacks, like spitting, and this has actually increased significantly in recent years,” he said. German authorities recorded 152 Islamophobic attacks, while at least seven people were injured in the first six months of 2022.
But that might not be the full picture because many attacks go unreported. Demir, who is leading the “Network against discrimination and Islamophobia” project at Inssan, said many Muslims do not report incidents to the police, thinking their complaints will not be taken seriously. . –Agencues