Govt making efforts to address Education Sector challenges: Minister

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training Rana Tanveer Hussain on Tuesday highlighted three major challenges of education sector including out-of-school children, learning standards and learning lost during Covid-19, stated that the government was making efforts to address these problems.
He was speaking at a conference organized by the Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) on Global Perspective and Challenges for Metaverse Technologies.
Federal Minister said that we face three major challenges. Firstly, the need to bring out-of-school-children into school. Secondly, the need to improve learning for those already in school, and to address the learning lost in the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, we need to make an education system resilient to emergencies, such as the recent floods, and to increase access through technology.
Rana Tanveer said the current devastating floods are a reminder of the huge challenges Pakistan faces, from climate change to meeting its educational needs.
He said that these challenges are not unique to Pakistan or developing nations, they are global. The whole world must grapple with the potential inequality that will come from Industry 4.0 and new frontier technologies, including the Metaverse.
Rana Tanveer Hussain said that globally, ‘frontier technologies’ such as robotics, AI and the metaverse present huge potential investment opportunities. Already this market is worth $350 billion USD, and could grow to over $3 trillion USD by 2025.
He said that for countries such as Pakistan, new technologies present valuable opportunities, especially given our young and growing population. Our people are our greatest asset and if they can be given the education and skills, they need to utilise new technologies they can be a huge engine of economic growth for Pakistan.
Federal Minister said new technologies also present opportunities in education itself. In schools in Pakistan we are experimenting with ‘blended learning’ – where children access digital content as well as classroom teaching.
We have also installed smart classrooms in a range of universities nationwide and the Covid-19 pandemic has brought big changes to the use of distance education across the country.
Rana Tanveer Hussain said that unless we are careful, these opportunities will only be available to the few and not the many.
He stated that it is our job to ensure that we maximise the benefits these technologies can bring, whilst ensuring that growth is inclusive and sustainable and we take our people with us.