Fawad holds meeting with US Envoy

ISLAMABAD: PTI Senior Vice President Fawad Chauhdry Tuesday met US Ambassador Donald Blome at the US embassy to discuss country’s prevailing political situation in detail in an hour-long meeting held between 3-4pm.
This was Fawad Chaudhry’s second meeting with the US diplomat this month. After the first meeting, the PTI leader initially denied holding a such meeting but later admitted to meeting Donald Blome.
The diplomatic officials shared that the US envoy off and on meets with PDM and PTI leaders but the details of such interactions are not released to the media.
The US embassy did not release agenda statement of the meeting held Tuesday. While confirming the development, Fawad Chauhdry told media it was a routine meeting.
It is important to note that the PTI, which accused the US of interfering in Pakistani politics and hatching a conspiracy to topple the government of the former prime minister Imran Khan, has now backtracked from its stance and seeks a fresh start with Washington.
The PTI chairman was removed from PM’s office through a vote of no-confidence by the then-opposition

on April 9 — becoming the first premier to be removed through this move. Khan blamed PM Shehbaz Sharif and the President Joe Biden-led US administration for his ouster, however, both deny the claims.
In an interview with the Financial Times earlier this month, Khan said that “he no longer blames the US and wants dignified ties with the country if he comes back to power”.
Referring to the alleged conspiracy, Khan said “it was over”. “As far as I’m concerned it’s over, it’s behind me. The Pakistan I want to lead must have good relationships with everyone, especially the United States,” he said.
“Our relationship with the US has been as of a master-servant relationship, or a master-slave relationship, and we’ve been used like a hired gun. But for that I blame my own governments more than the US,” the publication quoted the former premier as saying. –Agencies