Over 765,000 educated Youth leave country


ISLAMABAD: The ongoing political instability and growing economic crisis in Pakistan have forced thousands of highly educated and skilled citizens to leave the country.

According to the document of the Bureau of Immigration, as many as 765,000 people left Pakistan for abroad in 2022 for a bright future, witnessing a 300 per cent increase this year in the country’s brain drain situation.

This year’s data also included 92,000 highly-educated people such as doctors, engineers, information technology experts and accountants. The continuous political instability in Pakistan for a long time and the growing economic crisis have pushed the future of Pakistan into darkness.

In the current year 2022, 765,000 highly educated and skilled youth including, highly educated young doctors, engineers, IT experts, accountants and paramedics have left Pakistan so far. Most of them were destined for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

According to the senior officer of the bureau, rising inflation, unemployment and political uncertainty are the main reasons for this brain drain of the youth.

Due to this brain drain this year, Pakistan has lost seven thousand engineers, 25,000 doctors, 1,600 nurses, 2,000 computer experts, 6,500 accountants, 2,600 agricultural experts and 9,00 teachers.

This year Pakistani experts preferred Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Malaysia, China, Japan, Turkey, Sudan, Romania, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Greece and Italy for the opportunities.

According to the data, over 730,000 youth went to the Gulf States, nearly 40,000 went to European and other Asian countries. The country-wise breakdown of the data showed 470,000 Pakistanis headed to Saudi Arabia for employment, 119,000 to UAE, 77,000 to Oman, 51,634 to Qatar and 2,000 to Kuwait.