Exchanges between civilizations

BEIJING: As the largest and highest-level diplomatic event between China and the Arab world since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the First China-Arab States Summit on December 9 was an epoch-making milestone.
In his keynote speech, President Xi Jinping called on China and Arab states to foster a closer Sino-Arab community with a shared future by staying independent and defending the common interests of both sides, focusing on economic development and promoting win-win cooperation, upholding regional peace and striving for common security, and increasing exchanges among civilizations to enhance mutual understanding and trust. Arab countries expressed hopes to work with China to continue to promote cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, step up communication and coordination on international and regional affairs, and respond to climate change, food security, energy security and other common challenges through cooperation. The meeting is not about Arab nations choosing sides and even less about turning any region into a wrestling ground for major-country rivalry. The summit represents a continuation of the resolve of China and Arab states to strengthen the institutional cooperation that began with the launch of the ministerial-level China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in 2004.
–The Daily Mail-Beijing review news exchange item