PBC supports govt’s energy saving policy

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Business Council (PBC) on Friday extended support to the government on its policy to save energy and reduce dependence on imported fuel.
PBC in its tweet said that there is an immediate need for Pakistan to reduce its dependence on imported fuel, and implement the International Energy Agency’s 10-point plan. The proposal stated that energy should be produced and obtained from all possible natural resources available in the country, so that Pakistan is not bound to import fuel from foreign countries.
There will remain no need for electricity loadshedding, if the country has sufficient electricity production, stated PBC.
The council also suggested the government to implement four days on-site work, along with one day work-from-home in a week.

The council also emphasized on fixing the business and office hours across the country from 8am to 8pm. Use of private rides should also be restricted on alternate days, proposed PBC.