Emerging Water, climate-related issues discussed

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) in collaboration with Riphah International University Islamabad, CCRD, COMSATS, Wateraid Pakistan and Federal Flood Commission (FFC) has organized 7th international Water Conference, 2022 at PCRWR, Headquarters. Emerging water, climate-related issues discussed in International Water Conference. The main objective of the conference is to raise awareness among the youth on emerging water and climate-related issues in the country and provide a platform to the stakeholders to interact with each other.
The conference has organized on the four sub-themes to add value to the main theme of the conference. The sub-themes include Climate Change and Maritime Security, Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs), Water Pollution & Waste Water Management and Islamic perspective on Climate Change, Water Pollution & Water Management.
The inaugural session of the conference as held at PCRWR Headquarters, Islamabad on 29 December 2022. Dr. Rashid Aftab, Director, Riphah University gave his opening remarks and described the main objective of the conference. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman, PCRWR during his address stressed the need for water conservation. He further described that climate change is posing a serious threat to the water resources of the country impacting the livelihood and socio-economic conditions of the communities.
He also described the importance of water in the light of the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Mr. Arif Jabbar Khan, Country Director, Wateraid, emphasized the need for such events to be organized time to time.

He expressed his views regarding water quality deterioration in the country and said that the water-borne disease are very common nowadays. Awareness pertaining to water quality should be provided to the communities for a healthy life. Dr. Athar Hussain, Head, CCRD, COMSATS, presented a detailed overview of climate change in the Pakistan context. Mr. Ahmad Kamal, CEA/ Chairman, Federal Flood Commission emphasized the need for new water storage in the country to combat the risk of climate change. He also suggested that academia may update its curriculum as per the requirements/issues of the country. He ensured his full support to the academia in such initiatives.
Dr. Muhammad Rizwan presented a brief on the initiatives adopted by the USPCAS-W, Mehran University, Jamshoroo during the flood response activities. Dr. Ghulam Raza, University of Baltistan shared his finding regarding his research on glacier grafting in Baltistan Area. Mr. Hassan Muhammad Khan, Chancellor, Riphah International University, emphasized the need for the dissemination of innovative technologies to vulnerable communities. He also stressed the wise use of water in all water use sectors and the effective implementation of the policies/ legislation in the country for the sustainability of the water sector.
After the inaugural session, the participants broke out into different groups for articles presentation on the sub-themes of the conference. All 7 conference thematic sessions were held virtually and physically involving 67 presenters including professionals, Master and PhD students from higher education institutions and research organization of Pakistan from far and wide of the country. The students presented some very innovative research projects focusing on the themes of the conference.