33 professional beggars rounded up

RAWALPINDI: The special squad of police rounded up 33 professional beggars including women during separate actions in different areas of garrison city on Monday.
On directions of CPO Rawalpindi Syed Shehzad Nadeem, the incharges of beggar squads along with their teams conducted operations against professional beggars at traffic signals, business centres and public points in across Rawalpindi city. During separate actions, 33 professional beggars including women were rounded up. Cases were registered against the detainees at concerned police stations and they were being investigated. CPO Rawalpindi Syed Shehzad Nadeem lauded the special beggar squad for its actions. He said that the special beggar squad was making all out efforts to the clear the city of the professional beggars. The CPO said that professional beggars not only disrupt flow of traffic but also result in road mishaps. He appealed the citizens to discourage the professional beggars which will not only improve the situation in society but will also bring betterment in low of traffic.