At least five killed at DRC church attack

KINSHASA: A bomb killed at least five people on Sunday after detonating in a church in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the army said.
Details of the attack remain hazy, but military spokesman Antony Mualushayi said the “terrorist act” happened in a Pentecostal church in North Kivu province’s Kasindi, a town on the border with Uganda.
Mualushayi later told reporters that at least five bodies had been taken to the morgue following the blast, in what he called a provisional death toll.
Joel Kitausa, a local civil society figure, put the death toll at eight and said 27 other people had been wounded.
It was not immediately clear who carried out the attack. Mualushayi said that one suspect — a Kenyan — had been arrested.
The DRC’s communications ministry said on social media that the attack was apparently carried out by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) group. –Agencies