Xi unanimously elected deputy to 14th NPC

BEIJING: Xi Jinping was elected deputy to the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) by a unanimous vote at the first session of the 14th regional people’s congress of Jiangsu Province on Thursday.
Xi was nominated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a candidate for deputy to the 14th NPC, which was put to a vote at the regional congress. The announcement of Xi’s unanimous election won thunderous applause at the session. Xi was among the 144 deputies elected to the new NPC at the regional congress.
The unanimous vote for Xi by more than 800 deputies to the regional people’s congress represents the heartfelt aspiration of more than 85 million residents in Jiangsu Province, according to the deputies.
The NPC is China’s top legislature. The 14th NPC will open its first annual session in Beijing on March 5.During an inspection tour in Jiangsu Province in December 2014, Xi proposed the term “full and rigorous Party self-governance” for the first time, bringing it to an unprecedented level of importance.
Some deputies said Xi’s election in the province on Thursday was the vivid practice of unswervingly advancing the full and rigorous Party self-governance, strengthening and regulating intraparty political activities in the new situation and developing whole-process people’s democracy.
“The relations between cadres and the masses have been closer, and the authority of Party organizations has been placed in a higher position,” said Zhou Zhongyang, Party secretary of a village in the province. “The Party has led us to achieve poverty elimination and rural vitalization. Our days are getting more and more prosperous.”
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item