Around 47,441 SRCL’s students passed out since inception

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: A total of 47,441 students have been passed out so far under the Schools for Rehabilitation of Child Labor (SRCLs), an initiative of the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM), since the inception of this project.
According to an official source, the SRCLs is a PBM initiative to pull out children from labor and to impart them education, in line with the United Nations and other International Labor Organization Conventions. At present, 18,488 children are enrolled in these schools.
So far, 159 SRCLs are functional all over the country including 46 in Regional Office-Lahore, 20 in Regional Office Multan, 37 in Sindh, 24 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 14 in Balochistan, 13 in Islamabad Capital Territory and Azad Jammu Kashmir and five in Gilgit-Baltistan.
The children involved in child labor are enrolled in these schools and free education is imparted up to the primary level.
They are provided free books, stationery, uniform, shoes, stipend of Rs 10 per day and parents’ subsistence allowance of Rs. 300 per month.