Pakistan urges ‘new strategy’ for Afghanistan

NEW YORK: Pakistan’s Ambassador to the UN, Munir Akram, has called for exploring a “new strategy” of engaging and persuading the Taliban to heed the international community’s concerns over political and human rights in Afghanistan so as to continue the global support for its suffering people.
“The strategy that has been followed so far of leveraging international as-sistance in order to pressurize the Taliban to do what the international community wants, has not been successful,” the Pakistani envoy said in an interview with BBC Radio and BBC TV Live on Tuesday.
“Therefore,” he added, “we need to find a new strategy of engaging them and persuading them in order to correct their behavior and to continue the international support for the Afghan people.”
Responding to questions, Ambassador Akram said that although some of the Taliban decisions are unacceptable to the international community, Pakistan has no option but to live with Afghanistan, it’s neighbour. “What-ever happens in Afghanistan has impacts for Pakistan.”
“We cannot afford not to continue engagement with the Taliban — they are a reality, they are in control of the whole country, and therefore we have to deal with them,” the Pakistani envoy added.
He said if the international support or humanitarian assistance for Afghan-istan was cutoff, “we will have a dire situation — famine and hunger, an outflow of refugees, greater instability, rise of terrorism — all those conse-quences will flow from” from such an action.
“So, we believe that we should continue engagement, continue humanitar-ian assistance and support for economic revival in Afghanistan because that is the way out for the Afghan people to emerge from poverty and the dire situation they face”.
“Because the economy has collapsed — the economy was dependent 75% on foreign assistance,” Ambassador Akram said that the Afghan people must continue to be provided international assistance. “That’s basically our approach.”
Replying to a question about the Taliban not fulfilling the promises they made had made, Ambassador Akram posed a question: “Apart from en-gagement, what is the choice that the international community has be-cause the alternative is even greater disaster in Afghanistan — so we have no choice but to engage with them and to continue to try to persuade them.
“It is uncertain, obviously, how and when we could persuade them but cer-tainly, if we were able to put on the table, some incentives, perhaps they may respond better than pressure and coercion.”
Questioned about the issue of women and girls, he said Pakistan has been trying its best to persuade the Taliban to allow access to females as cer-tainly their role in the international assistance programme was important. “We see that, but you know, we have to work around that difficulty.” –Agencies