Effective awareness sessions on Cervical Cancer urged

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: Parliamentary Secretary for National Health Services, Dr. Shazia Aslam Soomro on Tuesday said that health institutions and hospitals should start effective awareness campaigns on cervical cancer to educate people about the disease and its treatment aspects.
Addressing the closing ceremony of Maroof International Hospital’s (MIH) cervical awareness campaign, she said that the government will continue playing its role in educating people about the disease and ensuring treatment services at public hospitals.
She said that the role of private sector is crucial and urged them to initiate such drives in collaboration with the government to set targets.
She applauded the awareness campaigns launched by Maroof Int’l Hospital throughout the month of January and appreciated that the spotlight has been put on a lesser known and rarely talked about disease.
CEO Maroof Int’l Hospital Haroon Naseer emphasized that private and public sector should make joint efforts to take all stakeholders on board in order to launch massive awareness drive about cervical cancer.
He added that in order to provide healthcare facilities to the marginalized communities, Maroof Int’l Hospital is running a 100-bed free hospital in Bewal village. He added the hospital also opened Urgent Care Center in Top City Islamabad to serve the locals on subsidized rates.
He said that the Maroof Int’l Hospital has always been at the forefront of helping people at the time of calamities like floods and COVID-19.
He said that cervical cancer is the 6th most common cancer in women in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. In 2020, an estimated 89,800 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer in the region and more than 47,500 women died from the disease.
“When diagnosed, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable forms of cancer, as long as it is detected early and managed effectively,” said Head of Gynae Department MIH Prof. Dr. Nabia Tariq.
Dr. Gulafshana Hafeez Khan emphasized young women to get informed about the disease and find out the facts besides educating other women for screening.
The event was also attended by Dr. Sabina Imran Durrani, Director General Population Ministry of Health, Dr Samia Rizwan, Health Specialist Maternal Newborn and Child Health at UNICEF country office Islamabad and Dr. Marium.