Sixteen killed in road crash near Kohat Tunnel

KOHAT: As many as 16 people have been killed when a passenger flying coach collided near Kohat Tunnel on Thursday.
Both vehicles were destroyed in the accident. On the information of the incident, the local police immediately reached the accident site
The flying coach was heading towards Bannu from Peshawar.
According to police, three children and two women are also among the dead.
Police say the number of causalities may increase as the rescue work was underway at the site of the incident.
The dead bodies have been shifted to the hospital. The deceased are said to belong to the Bannu district of the Khy-ber Pakhtunkhwa province.
Days earlier, in a separate incident over 50 people were killed when a boat capsized in a lake in Kohat district. The inci-dent took place on Sunday, when a boat carrying over 30 passengers, including seminary students as well as the boat-man, capsized in Kohat’s Tanda Dam.
Over 50 students of a seminary in the village Mir Badshah Khel had reportedly come to the dam for a picnic. On the first trip, the boat successfully transported 15 students to the other side of the dam.
However, the overloaded boat capsized in the middle of the dam the second time when it was carrying over 30 pas-sengers.
Kohat Regional Police Officer Dar Ali Khattak, District Police Officer Abdul Rauf Babar Qaisarani, and army personnel reached the scene as soon as news of the tragedy reached them.

To assist the army divers, teams were summoned from Kohat and Peshawar.

Kohat Deputy Commissioner Mahmood Aslam said venturing into the dam was closed by the authorities for recrea-tional trips. –Agencies