Farewell ceremony held in honour of outgoing CPO Ops

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: A dignified farewell was held at the Central Police Office in honor of CPO Operations Sohail Zafar Chatha, who was transferred from Islamabad Capital Police.
The ceremony was attended by IGP Islamabad Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan as chief guest, while all divisions senior police officers were also present on this occasion.
IGP Islamabad appreciated the service rendered by CPO Sohail Zafar Chatha and said that a good police officer is one who performs his duties with dignity and hard work and as a leader he is always at the front and leads his subordinates. He congratulated Sohail Zafar Chatha on his new appointment.
At the end of the ceremony, IGP Islamabad presented a police shield and bouquet to Sohail Zafar Chatha on behalf of Islamabad Capital Police and wished him the best of luck for his future endeavors.
Sohail Zafar Chatha served as Capital Police Officer Operations during his service in Islamabad Capital Police.