Non-cooperative KP bureaucracy irks Caretaker Ministers

PESHAWAR: The caretaker ministers of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) are perturbed over the non-cooperative attitude of the provincial bureaucracy.
Minister for Transport and Science and Technology Shahid Khan Khattak told 24News on Thursday that those government servants who had been working for the last government for the past 10 years were in no mood to take orders from the caretaker setup. “Especially those working in the transport ministry are least interested in performing their duties,” he said, and added, “Such is the state of their non-cooperation that work on several projects has stopped.”
The minister accused his predecessors of still using the official cars given to them. “Even those secretaries who have been transferred are not ready to return their official vehicles,” Shahid added.
Besides, the “Jail Bharo” movement—which the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) kicked off Wednesday—ended with no arrests in Peshawar on Thursday, with police claiming that party leaders only arrived for a ‘photo session’.
Earlier this month, PTI Chairman Imran Khan said his party leadership would start “courting arrests” in response to the government’s roughshod tactics to muzzle the opposition party through “politically motivated” cases. –Agencies