Azerbaijan struggles to revive life in war-hit cities, recreational places

BAKU:  The government of Azerbaijan is currently carrying out the gigantic task of bringing life back to the war-hit areas of Nagorno-Karabakh by rebuilding civic facilities, worship and recreational places as well water reservoirs.
The representatives of foreign media visiting Azerbaijan to attend summit of Non-Aligned Movement’s Contact Group held in Baku on March 2, were escorted to different war-ravaged areas which had been reclaimed by Azerbaijan from Armenia following a three-decade war.
The Azeri government is carrying out rehabilitation work in Shush city, once a hill resort and cultural center which now gave a deserted look owing to the massive destruction during the war period.
During a visit to the site, the Azeri authorities told the media that rehabilitation work was going to restore a 150-year old Gazanchi Church and two historical mosques.
The media men were also given a guided tour to the newly constructed Fuzuli International Airport which was built within eight months considering the urgent needs for relief supplies as well as the influx of foreign delegates. –Agencies
Two more airports were also in the pipeline in the Karabakh region.

The heavy machinery was engaged in the restoration of a huge water reservoir in Fuzuli which was used to be a main source of irrigation to the area, famous for its agricultural produces.

A massive tree plantation was also underway in the region to revive its green look as well as the economic activity.

As on one side, there were the remains of erstwhile city center of Fuzuli, while across the road, the ongoing construction of around 1,000 residential apartments was emerging as a ray of hope for the displaced population which was eagerly awaiting return to their native areas.

Amidst all massive reconstruction activities, the major challenge of clearing the region of around 1 million landmines still existed as the government was diverting major chunk of its funding for the purpose.

Later, the media men were also given a round of Lachin Road, a strategic route linking Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia, where the Russian peacekeeping troops were on patrol.

The convoys of Russian army trucks carrying relief supplies were also seen moving towards their designated supply points.

On the same road, a group of civil society representatives were holding a peaceful protest for almost three months against the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits in the Karabakh economic region.