General Body Meeting of Comsats University ASA held

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Chapter was held on Wednesday 15th March at COMSATS University Islamabad. Around 200 faculty members participated in the event. President Prof. Dr. Siraj ul Islam and General Secretary Dr. Farooq Iqbal Buzdar briefed the faculty about the efforts made by ASA for resolution of various issues. A briefing was also given to faculty members by the representatives of Treasurer and Accounts offices regarding CP/GF fund and recently proposed Pension scheme. Following eight resolutions were passed.
1) In recent past an unconstitutional and anti-Islamic quiz took place in CUI. The whole incident resulted instigating a hate against the faculty of CUI on the national level. Faculty strongly condemns the act and demands for future strategy to avoid such incidents.
2) The cut and delay in the disbursement of Ad-hoc/Dearness allowance is illogical, discriminatory, and in noncompliance with the State’s directives. ASA-CUI demands a 15% increase across the board for SG and OG employees and disbursement on an urgent basis.
3) Timescale promotion is an excellent step for employees of CUI. However, the condition of ACR should be exempted for timescale promotion or criteria should be ‘satisfactory’. Secondly, the ACRS should be revised according to the job description.
4) In the 32nd Selection Board, many cases were presented with delay due to administrative lapses and ban on the Selection Board. The Senate recommended the cases from the date of completion of codal formalities, and the same was communicated to the HEC. However, in violation of TTS statutes, the seniority was quashed and an additional condition was imposed on associate professors to serve for two years after the date of Selection Board. ASA-CUI demands the withdrawal of this condition.
5) The Registrar’s office is being managed by acting charge for years. Furthermore, the treasure office is also being run by an officer after completing his tenure.
Similarly, posts of Pro-rectors are vacant for many years; therefore, ASA demands that ad-hoc setups should be abolished by appointing permanent posts.
6) The anomalies that appeared in the 35th Selection Board are mostly due to procedural lapses, and faculty is being victimized for the inefficiency of admin/concerned offices. ASA-CUI demands to resolve all such issues in favor of eligible faculty members.
7) Faculty showed serious reservations on the absence of elected statutory body members of the Islamabad campus in GBM. A resolution was passed to make these elected members answerable to ASA and make it mandatory for them to attend GBMs.
8) Faculty showed strong resentment regarding the revision of recent service statues. It was unanimously decided that the Basic Pay Scale (BPS) should be adopted across the board. Resolution was passed to opt for the BPS scale at CUI.
The above approved resolutions will be forwarded to Rector CUI for implementation in true letter and spirit. Faculty members appreciated the effort of ASA. The GBM meeting ended with a vote of thanks. The cabinet of ASA Islamabad Chapter thanked all the faculty members for their active participation.