Qingdao FTZ legal space a first in China

Qingdao: On March 1, the Qingdao Maritime Court in Shandong province opened a space specifically to deal with maritime affairs in the Qingdao pilot free trade zone. The aim is to offer efficient legal services to support opening-up and enhance maritime law in the country.
The area is comprised of two courtrooms and is the first of its kind to be established by a maritime court in a pilot free trade zone in China.
The Qingdao Area of the China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, also known as the Qingdao FTZ, is located in the Qingdao West Coast New Area, which covers an area of 52 square kilometers.
Zhang Dongqing, a member of the Qingdao Maritime Court’s leading Party members group, said that the establishment of the space is a milestone in the development of the court, saying that it will tread a new path in the integration of maritime law with the development of pilot free trade zones.
“It will handle foreign maritime and commercial cases and promote maritime law to ensure businesses operating in the Qingdao FTZ conduct operations legally,” Zhang said.
Additionally, the space will lead the allocation of foreign-related maritime resources, resolve disputes and support the training of foreign legal specialists, he added.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item