NCOC suggests mask wearing at crowded spaces

ISLAMABAD: National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) on Thursday recommended wearing mask at crowded tightly enclosed spaces and healthcare facilities. According to NCOC, guidelines were issued for the period upto April 30, 2023 keeping in view the current COVID-19 trend across the country.
Meanwhile, health officials said that 129 new Coronavirus cases were reported during the last 24 hours across the country.
As per the data shared by the National Institute of Health (NIH), the case positivity ratio was 2.98 per cent while 14 patients were in critical condition. No death was reported from the Coronavirus in the last 24 hours while 4,334 Covid-19 tests were conducted.
As many as 523 tests were conducted in Lahore out of which 43 cases were confirmed with a ratio of 8.22 per cent, while 225 tests were conducted in Rawalpindi out of which three cases were reported confirmed with a ratio of 1.33 percent. 14 cases were confirmed from 333 tests in Islamabad with a ratio of 4.20 percent.
Minister for National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination Abdul Qadir Patel said the government had strengthened the role of Border and Health Services in Pakistan to deal with any sub-variant of Covid-19. The minister said there was a surveillance system at all entry points of the country including airports. –Agencies