China releases annual global climate report

BEIJING: China Meteorological Administration has released an annual report on the current state of global climate, according to the China Science Daily on Tuesday.
The report provides the latest information on global climate monitoring and assessment. It covers various aspects such as the global basic climate overview, atmospheric circulation monitoring, ocean monitoring, snow cover and sea ice monitoring, major global meteorological disasters and major weather and climate events.
In 2022, most of the world’s land surface temperatures were close to normal or higher, noted the report, adding that Europe, China, the United States, Japan, Pakistan and India experienced record heat. Meanwhile, France, Portugal and Spain experienced their highest temperatures for the month of May on record.
The snow cover area in Northern Hemisphere and Eurasia was close to perennial in 2022, while China had a larger snow cover area, the report showed. Both the Arctic and Antarctic had smaller sea ice extents than usual.
The report reflects China’s latest achievements and progress in monitoring global temperatures and precipitation, the atmospheric circulation system, sea temperature, snow cover and sea ice. –Agencies