Envisioning a new stage of China, Mexico friendship

BEIJING: ‘The friendship between China and Mexico, which has grown from generation to generation, has been strong and vibrant for more than 50 years. Both countries, as major developing countries and important emerging economies, are also at a critical stage of national development and rejuvenation, facing similar tasks and challenges, and offering each other development opportunities,” Gao Anming, Vice President and Editor in Chief of China International Communications Group (CICG), said in his opening speech at the China-Mexico Cooperation and Development Forum on March 10.
The forum, hosted by the CICG Center for the Americas under the theme Sharing Opportunities and Building the Future Together, took place both online and offline.
“This year is the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Mexico, and the beginning of the second 50 years of friendship,” Li Yafang, President of the CICG Center for the Americas, said.
The two sides need to further identify and expand common interests to maximize the convergence of cooperation and development, and establish a model for inter-state cooperation, she added.
“If you want to establish yourself, establish others; if you want to prosper yourself, prosper others,” Zhang Run, Chinese Ambassador to Mexico, said at the forum, quoting from the Analects of Confucius, a selection of the Chinese philosopher’s sayings believed to have been compiled by his followers.
–The Daily Mail-Beijing Review news exchange item