Gwadar Fisherman lauds China-donated Solar Systems amid Power load-shedding

GWADAR: ”We no longer have a problem with power breakdowns as China’s solar systems continue to provide service to the people of Gwadar,” said Abdul Rashid, a fisherman and resident of the Gazarwaan area near Masjid-e-Aqsa in Gwadar’s old city.
Abdul Rashid is among the beneficiaries of a package of solar equipment that was donated by China in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Last year, the initiative donated 4,000 sets of solar photovoltaic systems and LED lights.
“Due to some technical issues a few days ago, there was an electricity outage in Gwadar for a week. In such a dire situation, my children were able to sleep peacefully for six nights because the solar set and battery donated by China provided 4 to 5 hours of power to keep the fan running,” he added.
Speaking to Gwadar Pro, Abdul Rashid shared how his family’s life has improved since their home was solarized with a donation from China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy. He said, “Previously, during prolonged power outages, my sick mother used to suffer in the dark at night and was very uncomfortable. But for the past five months, thanks to solar power in our home, my mother has been cheerful and offering good wishes to China.” He added that during the day, his wife can now use the washing machine and other electric appliances to do household chores thanks to solar power. When asked about the donation process, he said it was fair and transparent, except for one or two cases.
The solar system has also helped keep their electricity bill in check, even during the price hikes in Ramazan.
Regarding the verification process, he stated, “The authorities personally collected information and inquired with our neighbors to confirm our status as deserving recipients of the solar system.” After the verification was completed, the authorities installed the solar system free of cost.Raheem Buksh, a social worker, informed Gwadar Pro that Chinese solar donations were distributed to the deserving local residents in all 42 wards of Gwadar City, based on his information. Zainab, another beneficiary, expressed her satisfaction with the process, stating that the solar team reached out to them and installed the solar system after verification, without them having to approach the team themselves. –Agencies