Leaving no one behind

BEIJING: Creating a society of fairness and justice is pretty much the consensus among nations the world over. In the vast majority of countries, from the developed to the developing world, however, the common picture is that the gains of a few result in the losses of many. As a result, different social levels are often pitted against each other.
In this context, China is keenly aware of the risks associated with a divided society. Like many other countries, it also faces pressing issues such as uneven regional development, rural and urban disparities and huge income gaps. How can it create an ideal society of justice? President Xi Jinping has proposed doing so by following a new development philosophy, which emphasizes sharing the fruits of development and covers five elements spurring progress: innovation, coordination, green growth, openness and sharing.
President Xi first put forward his new notion for development in October 2015. The years that followed saw China shake off absolute poverty and create a relatively well-off society in an all-round manner. Having improved the living conditions of its citizens, the country now embarks on the journey toward common prosperity. The Chinese Government has reiterated it will see to it that all Chinese people will be better off as China evolves. Policies will be tilted in favor of rural areas, less developed regions and vulnerable groups to promote fairness and prevent wealth polarization.
–The Daily Mail-Beijing Review news exchange item