Modi’s policies put regional, int’l peace at risk

ISLAMABAD: Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organization, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, Tuesday said the fascist Indian government’s belligerent policies had put regional and international peace and security at risk.
Mushaal, who is the wife of jailed Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik, said in a statement that the people of scenic Jammu & Kashmir valley continued to face the worst discrimination and injustice at the hands of New Delhi-led apartheid regime, which had made their lives hell for resisting the Indian unlawful subjugation.
She stated that the Narndra Modi-led fascist government was using all brutal tactics to crush the ongoing freedom struggle in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK). However, Indians would not be able to defeat the Kashmiris’ spirit for freedom come what may, she added. –Agencies