COMSATS’s ASA distributes ration bags among 350 employees

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The Academic Staff Association (ASA) of COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) celebrated ‘The Brotherhood Day’ with Staff Grade employees. In this event ASA with the support of faculty members and students’ societies distributed of more than 350 Akhawat Boxes/ ration bags among low paid staff grade employees including Naib Qasids, Lab Attendants, Helpers, Attendants, Maid, Mali/Gardeners, Sanitary Workers, Welders, Lift operators, Bus Helper and Security Guards.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tabassum Afzal, Rector CUI visited the ration distribution center and appreciated the efforts of ASA and students’ societies. He suggested such events should be arranged at a higher scale by involving the administration as well. Prof. Dr. Shams ul-Qamar, Head ORIC/In-charge Campus CUI was the chief guest and inaugurated the ration drive ceremony along with the guest of honor Murtaza Noor. While addressing the gathering, he appreciated the concept of ASA’s ‘Brotherhood Day’ and stressed the importance of such campaigns. He urged such activities should be planned frequently and support should be provided to low paid staff members.
Murtaza Noor, National Coordinator of Inter University Consortium for the Promotion of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities (IUCPSS) was the guest of honor. While addressing the gathering he expressed his intention to provide interest-free loans to the staff grade employees of CUI on this occasion. He emphasized that it was a unique effort of ASA, and this tradition should be followed by IUCPSS in all other universities in the country as well.
Dr. Usman Kazmi delivered a speech on the importance of ration distribution among low paid employees. Prof. Dr. Siraj-ul-Islam President of ASA thanked all the faculty members for their support and staff members for their active participation. He appreciated the performance of the ASA Welfare Committee and informed about the future plans of ASA for the welfare of the University. The ceremony was moderated by Dr. Adnan Fida on behalf of ASA by explaining the objectives of Brotherhood Day.
Dr. Farooq Buzdar, General Secretary of ASA supervised the distribution of tokens among staff members for smooth conduction of the event and gifts/bags were distributed without any que. Ms. Aziza Munir and Ms. Ayesha Inam supervised the distribution arrangements by involving the students’ societies. Staff members were really happy and thanked the efforts of the ASA and faculty members.