G-20 urged to boycott upcoming event in IIOJ&K

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Senior leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), Shabbir Ahmed Shah, and other leaders and organizations have urged the members of G-20 to boycott the upcoming event being hosted by India in the UN-recognized disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
Shabbir Ahmad Shah in a message sent from New Delhi’s Tihar Jail said that the Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government’s motive behind organizing the G-20 meeting in Srinagar was to mislead the international community about the ground situation of the occupied territory and peddle its so-called normalcy narrative. He said that the Indian government has a notorious history of using falsehood as a state policy to achieve its strategic goals, said a press release.
“New Delhi in brazen violation of the UN Security Council resolutions had unilaterally and unlawfully repealed the special status of occupied Kashmir in 2019. Since then it has been shamelessly peddling lies to befool the world community on the situation in occupied Kashmir,” he said. He deplored that Modi government’s aim behind holding the G-20 meeting in IIOJK is to deflect world’s attention away from the simmering situation in the territory and whitewash the crimes its forces are committing against the Kashmiris.
The APHC leader urged the G-20 countries to take a holistic review of the prevailing situation in IIOJK. He maintained that it is high time that the member countries of the highest forum should realize the Indian government’s nefarious designs and such meetings’ far-reaching consequences on the Kashmiris’ ongoing struggle for the right to self-determination. “We hope that members of the Group will not allow the Indian government to use this meeting to project its baseless normalcy narrative without giving due thought to what has been happening in the region for the past several decades,” he added.
Another APHC leader, Devinder Singh Behl, in a statement issued in Jammu said that Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory and the holding of the G-20 meeting there is a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions and international law.

He said, the only purpose of holding the G-20 meeting in occupied Kashmir is to give an impression to the world that the situation in the territory is normal, but the Modi government cannot mislead the international community through the politics of lies and deceit.

He said that the G-20 countries must realize the nefarious intentions of the Modi regime behind the move and boycott it.

Tehreek-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir, a constituent of APHC, in a statement in Srinagar, said that India was trying to exploit the G-20 to achieve its geopolitical and domestic political objectives.

It said that the G-20 countries need to honour the UN recognized disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir and boycott the event to be held in IIOJK.

Tehreek-e-Hurriyat condemned India’s move to hold the G-20 meeting in an internationally-acknowledged disputed territory.

Other APHC leaders and organizations including Javaid Ahmed Mir, Dr Umer Iqbal Shaikh, Muhammad Aaqib, Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference, Warseen-e-Shuhada Jammu and Kashmir and Pir Panchaal Freedom Movement in their spate statements issued in Srinagar and Jammu said the communal Modi regime is holding the G-20 event in occupied Kashmir to mislead the international community and the Indian Hindus.

They said this exercise is meant to create a smoke screen to hoodwink the world, particularly the G20 countries, into believing that everything is normal in the occupied territory.

Meanwhile, APHC-AJK leaders, Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Syed Yousuf Naseem, Gulshan Ahmed and Qazi Imran in their statements issued in Islamabad said the Modi regime is trying unsuccessfully to hide its crimes in IIOJK.

They said that by this move, India is trying to deceive the world, especially the G-20 countries, to give the impression that the situation in the occupied territory is normal while the facts are completely opposite.

They appealed to the UN and OIC to take cognizance of India’s nefarious designs and impress upon it to resolve the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations without any further delay.