Pakistan, China work together for Art preservation through latest technology

BEIJING: For centuries, artisans in Pakistan have been creating beautiful works of art in the form of stonecraft. However, with the passage of time and changing tastes, to preserve this valuable cultural heritage, Pakistan should further learn from China’s successful efforts to preserve their own ancient art, said Dr. Mahmood ul-Hasan Deputy Director Museums, Islamabad.
Dr. Mahmood ul-Hasan Deputy Director, Department of Archaeology and Museums Islamabad told China Economic Net that by studying how China has successfully preserved their own ancient Gandhara art and applying similar methods to Pakistani stonecrafts, Pakistan can ensure that these beautiful works are preserved for generations to come. “Pakistan has a rich cultural heritage, particularly in the form of Gandhara art. However, due to a lack of resources and infrastructure, it is difficult for Pakistani artisans to preserve this ancient art. In order to better preserve this precious cultural asset, Pakistan should look to China for guidance and inspiration” he said.
He stated that Chinese culture has a long history of preserving traditional arts and crafts through the use of modern technology and techniques. By learning from China’s example, Pakistani artisans can ensure that their country’s unique cultural heritage is preserved for future generations. “During my visit to China, I was really amazed to see the technologies and latest methods that China is using to preserve their art and culture which is outstanding. We visited many historical places like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Place and different Museumes here”, he told media.
It is worth mentioning that China-Pakistan Gandhara Art Exhibition was inaugurated last month in Beijing and the exhibition at the Palace Museum showcases 173 finest examples of Gandhara art, including sculptures of Buddha, bodhisattvas, deities, objects of daily use, and jewelry items, selected from seven museums in Pakistan. –Agencies