CPC central leadership reveals 5-year plan to refine Party regulations

BEIJING: The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has revealed an outline for its plan to issue and revise Party regulations from 2023 to 2027.
According to the outline, made public Tuesday, one priority of the plan is to improve the systems that uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.
The mechanisms to ensure the CPC Central Committee’s leadership over major initiatives will be perfected. Systems will be installed to ensure only the CPC Central Committee is entitled to decide and explain major principles and policies that concern the whole Party and country.
A set of regulations will be issued on the implementation of the CPC Central Committee’s major decisions and plans, regulating every link from the division of work to the assessment of the results and supervision.
Regulations on Party leadership will be improved to ensure the Party’s role in exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all, the document said, highlighting efforts to enhance the institutions for Party leadership over organizations including people’s congresses and the government.
It also urged a scientific setup of the power and duties of Party and government institutions to ensure that Party and government bodies perform their respective functions in a clearer manner.
The regulations on major decision-making processes for Party committees and Party leadership groups will be formulated to ensure that advice from the people is sought, research and investigation strengthened, and decisions reviewed carefully.
Efforts will be made to refine the Party’s organizational rules and regulations, including drafting the electoral regulations for central Party organizations.
The system of training, selecting, appointing and managing Party officials will be enhanced, while more proactive, open and effective policies on talent will be adopted. –Agencies