Senior leaders of foreign Communist parties praise China’s achievements

BEIJING: Senior leaders of Communist parties from a number of countries spoke highly on Tuesday of the achievements that China has made over the past decades under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, saying that the CPC has shown the world a different way of development.
They made the remarks during a visit to the Museum of the Communist Party of China in Beijing, which was organized by the International Department of the CPC Central Committee.
Ana Maria Prestes Rabelo, international secretary of the Communist Party of Brazil, said her country could borrow experiences from the CPC because Brazil and China face similar challenges in terms of promoting both urban and rural development.
“The CPC showed us how to face the challenges without losing the principles and founding mission,” she said, adding that people in Brazil were impressed with the development China had achieved over the past few decades, ranging from socioeconomic progress to its space exploration programs.
Henrik Stamer Hedin, chairman of the Communist Party of Denmark, said he was amazed by the CPC’s development from a small party at its founding to an important political force today. “The endeavor and courage that have brought the CPC all the way to what it is today inspire us a lot,” he said. Rossana Cambron, co-chair of the Communist Party of the United States of America, who had already visited China three times, said those who want to know about the real China should come to China and see what is happening here.
According to Cambron, it is also important to get a good understanding of the CPC’s history.
“I think it helps dispel a lot of anti-China propaganda that we hear in the United States and helps us fully understand the road that the Chinese communists are taking, thus inspiring people who are talking about the possibilities of a different society,” she said. Blaise Tulo, convener of the Accra Collective of the Socialist Movement of Ghana, said the trip gave him a concrete analysis of where China is today and why China is a model for all communists.
“The museum tells us how China has formed itself from the past and shows us the struggle of the working people. And China has achieved today’s amazing success because of all the history that we have seen here,” he said.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item