China’s role in Global modernisation hailed

BEIJING: As the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World kicked off in Shanghai on Friday, China has once again shown the world with its own successful practice of exploring Chinese modernization that there is more than one path to modernization, and every country has the right to embark on a modernization road that suits its own national conditions based on its own reality. This will help break the monopoly position of the West in modernization practice and theory, broaden the vision of developing countries and enhance their determination and confidence in taking the road of independent development, analysts said.
Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to the forum, attended by representatives of governments, think tanks and the media from nearly 80 countries.
“Realizing modernization is a relentless pursuit of the Chinese people since modern times began. It is also the common aspiration of people of all countries. In pursuing modernization, a country needs to follow certain general patterns. More importantly, it should proceed from its own realities and develop its own features,” Xi said.
As China is now building a strong country and advancing national rejuvenation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization, the country will provide new opportunities for global development with new accomplishments in Chinese modernization, lend new impetus to humanity’s search for paths toward modernization and better social systems, and work with all countries to advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, Xi noted.
The modernization of China with such a huge population will be a stronger boost for global economic recovery, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang said when delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the forum. With over 1.4 billion people on course toward modernization, a number larger than the combined population of all developed countries, China will give a much stronger impetus for the global economy, he noted. China will defend the right to development of all countries with greater determination, Qin stressed. He pointed out that modernization is an inalienable right of every country, not a privilege reserved for a few. Those who have realized modernization should not tear down the bridge or block other countries’ path to modernization and they should not suppress, contain or stop other countries that choose a different path to modernization.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item