China’s Water-saving Agriculture technology benefits BRI countries

新华社照片,滨州(山东),2018年5月15日 山东邹平:“智慧农业”促发展 5月14日,山东邹平县高新街道绿蔬源农业合作社农业开发大型喷灌项目区农民在查看自动喷灌情况。该设备3小时可以灌溉300亩农田。 近年来,山东省邹平县在土地流转的基础上,充分利用农业科技、大数据应用以及物联网信息技术等发展“智慧农业”,开发了“智慧农业农田监测系统”“农业大数据信息化平台”“设施农业气象信息”等监控农业生产的终端系统,在农田规模化生产信息数据的收集、农机全程一体化服务的自动化生产等方面推广应用,使农业生产从人工劳作走向智能,在生产效率大大提高的同时,有效保护了农业生产环境,提高了农产品质量。目前,邹平县安装的智慧农田监测系统覆盖6个镇街的20多万亩农田,30多个农场实现了物联网农业生产,大型节水喷灌、植保机器人等农机自动化技术生产覆盖基本农田30多万亩。 新华社发(董乃德 摄)

BEIJING: Researchers at Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS) have successfully developed technology that can not only avoid resource waste and effectively save water but also improve soil fertility and reduce evaporation at the soil surface. Muhammad Ali Raza, a Pakistani doctor, who is among those researchers, has been working on an experiment on the utilization of plastic mulch and drip irrigation in cereal-legume intercropping systems at a water-saving agricultural research station located in the city of Zhangye in northwest China’s Gansu Province.
“The crop straws are processed into mulch and used in soybean-corn compound planting fields,” he explained, highlighting the role of the technology in reducing waste and saving water.
Raza, 33, came to the Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS) to pursue his postdoctoral studies after the GAAS signed a memorandum with a university in Pakistan in 2022 to carry out cooperation in modern agricultural technology transformation and personnel training projects, China’s Xinhua reported on Tuesday.
In recent years, GAAS has signed cooperation agreements with institutions in Pakistan, Tajikistan, Malaysia and other countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to conduct extensive cooperation in agricultural science and technology.
Lettuce grown in water and chili on the substrate are thriving in an intelligent greenhouse at the GAAS, thanks to the efforts of Ma Zhongming, the head of the organization. Ma has dedicated himself to the research and promotion of soilless cultivation technologies, resulting in these impressive outcomes. “Soilless cultivation is suitable for arid regions and holds great potential for agricultural cooperation with some Belt and Road countries,” said Ma, who is also Raza’s professor.
“I’m excited about the research. My study area is related to dry farming and facility agriculture in China, and I am looking forward to introducing relevant technologies in Pakistan in the future,” Raza said. Xiong Youcai, a professor at Lanzhou University’s College of Ecology, has led a team dedicated to dryland agriculture research and technology promotion since 2011 in East Africa.
The all-film double-furrow sowing, an agricultural technology originating from China’s arid Loess Plateau, has now been applied to agricultural production in Kenya and other countries based on local conditions to help relieve the impact of severe drought on food production.
In 2022, Xiong’s team, with the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, launched an international cooperation project involving the efficient utilization and adaptive management of rainwater resources in dryland agriculture in the East African Plateau. –Agencies