‘Hajj Medical Mission to be comprised of doctors, paramedics’

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Senator Muhamad Talha Mahmood on Wednesday said the ‘Hajj Medical Mission’ would be comprised of 500 doctors and paramedics.
Chairing a meeting in connection with Hajj arrangements and training of Moavineen-e-Hujjaj, he said the medical mission includes 180 doctors and 320 paramedical staffers from army and civil sides.
Minister Talha informed that besides establishing two central hospitals one each in Makkah and Madina, 14 dispensaries would also be set up at various locations in Saudi Arabia for the convenience of intending pilgrims.
He further mentioned that the medical staffers would be available 24/7 with free medicines, x-rays, laboratory tests etc.
He said, “550 best Hajj assistants had been selected from across the country, while the ministry’s 220-member staff and officers would also assist the pilgrims throughout the Hajj operation.” He said Moavineen-e-Hujjaj consisted of employees from Rescue 1122, federal and provincial civil secretariat, Rangers and police. Minister Talha said the training of the Hajj assistants had been organized in the Haji Camp Islamabad which would continue by May 14 without any interruption.
He said reception desks for Pakistani pilgrims would be established at Jeddah and Madinah airports, besides setting up missing and recovery, guidance and complaints, accommodation, food, travel facilities, and monitoring of private Hajj scheme cells. Meanwhile, Director Moavineen Sajjad Yildirim said pilgrims would be provided with all possible facilities and guidance throughout this holy journey. –Agencies