Talha hosts reception for dedicated staffers of Road to Makkah project

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood hosted a grand reception on Saturday night at his farmhouse to honor the dedicated staff members of the ‘Road to Makkah’ project from Saudi Arabia. The event was attended by esteemed guests, including Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki, as well as diplomats from Iran, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Palestine, and other countries.
Talha hosts grand reception for dedicated ‘Road to Makkah’ project staffers
In his address to the gathering, the minister expressed his gratitude to the Saudi government and emphasized the significance of the Saudi people to the Pakistani nation. The extravagant dinner reception served as a symbol of the strong bond between the two countries, and its popularity was evident by the presence of numerous journalists from various media outlets. The programme was not limited to the venue itself; it was being watched nationwide.
Talha hosts grand reception for dedicated ‘Road to Makkah’ project staffers
Minister Talha highlighted the deep-rooted and exceptional relationship between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. He acknowledged their longstanding history of positive ties in the realms of politics, security, and economics.
Furthermore, he praised King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman for their leadership, emphasizing that Saudi Arabia had always played the role of a supportive “big brother” to Pakistan during challenging times, providing aid and resources whenever needed.
Minister Talha expressed his admiration for Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki, commending his unwavering efforts in maintaining cordial relations between the two countries.
He described the ambassador as a bridge connecting Pakistan and Saudi Arabia through thick and thin.
Highlighting the immense love and reverence the Pakistani nation holds for Saudi Arabia as the center of Islamic values and sanctities, he expressed his confidence in the Saudi government’s ability to provide the best Hajj arrangements for Pakistani pilgrims this year.
He stated that the Pakistani nation had high expectations from Saudi Arabia and hoped that they would be facilitated beyond their expectations during this sacred journey.
Minister Talha announced that the Hajj operation would commence on Sunday, with the first flight departing from Karachi carrying 388 pilgrims to Madina Munawwara. Whereas, the first flight from Islamabad would depart at 2120 hours.
He concluded his address by expressing his hope that the efficient facility available at Islamabad International Airport would also be expanded to other airports across the country, including Lahore and Karachi, in the coming year.
Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki praised the ‘Road to Makkah’ project, emphasizing that it was a remarkable initiative launched by King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman.
He mentioned that the project aimed to provide ease and comfort to pilgrims from the seven countries and was being closely supervised by Saudi Minister for Interior Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud.
Praying for stability and prosperity of Pakistan, he also hoped that it would head the countries in the world in coming years. At the end, the minister exchanged gifts with the distinguished guests.