UN Women Protection Unit delegation visits Safe City

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: A delegation from the United Nation Women Protection Unit visited Safe City Islamabad, where they met with CPO Safe City Shoaib Janabz.
During the meeting the delegation was provided with a comprehensive briefing on the initiatives undertaken by the Islamabad capital police to ensure the safety and protection of women and children.
The delegation commended the efforts of the Gender Protection Unit of Islamabad capital police, acknowledging its significant role in assisting women affected by various forms of abuse.
CPO Safe City said that, the unit has set up a helpline number (8090) and a dedicated desk to address complaints promptly and transparently.
He also assured the delegation that the reported crimes against women would be dealt with utmost seriousness and that appropriate actions would be taken.
Expressing their satisfaction with the measures taken by Islamabad capital police, the delegation conveyed their appreciation to IGP Islamabad Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan for his commitment to ensuring the safety of women throughout all units of the capital’s police force.
Furthermore, they pledged their support in providing necessary facilities to further enhance the safety and well-being of women in Islamabad.