Int’l Seminar on China’s Governance System & Development Model held

ISLAMABAD: School of Politics and International Relations (SPIR), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, in collaboration with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China and Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Fu-ture (PRCCSF) to Pakistan, organized a seminar with a sole purpose of integrating national and international intellectu-als and scholars to discuss the Chinese governance model, reforms, global developments advancing the concept of a Community with Shared future, dialogue of civilization, and socio-economic transformation under Belt and Road Initia-tive (BRI) and most specifically China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
The conference on Tuesday started with a welcoming note from the Director of SPIR, Prof. Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal. It was followed by the opening remarks of Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram, who is an Executive Director of PRCCSF, who pre-sented a copy of the book Governance of China, authored by Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Welcome remarks from the Chinese delegates were given by Professor Li Huailing, who is a Dean of the Institute for a Community with Shared Fu-ture, Communication University of China (CUC), Beijing, China.
He emphasized explaining how China is a driving force for economic development in the region and connecting the world. Dr. Jaspal then presented his talk on China’s con-temporary global world order, explaining how Great Powers rejuvenated the alliances and China’s role in establishing peace and harmony between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Moreover, he explained how China is hammering Geoeconomics rather than geostrategic factors through its Chinese investments in Pakistan and the region, and projects like the CPEC are a source of immense value for Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the other states in the region. In such circumstances, we must determine how to harness cooperation dividends for our eco-nomic prosperity.
Dr. Dou Yulei, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Communication Universi-ty of China (CUC), through the virtual address, shed light on President Xi Jinping’s perspective of a community with a shared future and the concept of dialogue among civilizations, considering that. Professor Wang Sixin, Deputy Dean of the ICSF, Communication University of China, talked about China Global Development Initiative and the way forward for the International Community and enlightened the audience on how the Chinese government is making efforts as a peace broker by creating economic linkages, binding the nations together.
Mr. Salman Ali Bittani, Lecturer at the School of Politics and IR, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, and currently a Ph.D. candidate in China, explained the role of soft power in projecting the image of a state. He explained cultural co-operation as a tool for soft-power projection with a case study of China and Pakistan. Later, a concise speech by Mr. Saifullah Danishwar from the University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, elucidated how BRI is seen as a tool for connect-ing partner countries: Ms. Liu Bei, a Ph.D.

Scholar from the Institute for International and Area Studies (IIAS), Tsinghua University, Beijing, chronicled the role of media in generating and increasing narratives regarding the efficiency of the BRI in connectivity and explained how media from both states, Pakistan and China could help to foster peace and har-mony.
The seminar concluded with a question and answer session in which participants from both Pakistan and China exchanged keenness and enthusiasm.
The Seminar was attended by the faculty members of SPIR, PRCCSF researchers, Chinese Embassy officials, print and electronic media reporters and nearly 100 hundred undergrade and post grade students. –PR