Aid agencies back UN’s $7b Food appeal

NEW YORK: Humanitarian agencies are calling for full funding of the United Na-tions’ $7bn appeal for the Horn of Africa during a pledging confer-ence that begins on Wednesday, citing a growing crisis and the need for urgent lifesaving intervention.
The region is facing the worst drought in 40 years, with more than 43.3 million people in need of assistance in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. More than half of those lack access to sufficient food, accord-ing to the UN.
The UN is convening a high-level pledging event on Wednesday at its headquarters in New York, where member states and partners will be encouraged to commit financial support to the Horn of Africa crisis.
The International Rescue Committee said that until now, the appeals have received less than a quarter of the needed donations.
“Efforts to combat food insecurity need to be urgently scaled up across a wider group of governments, international financial institu-tions and climate actors,” said IRC President and CEO David Miliband. Ports in Ukraine were closed, reducing the quantities of food aid that could be shipped. But aid organisations like the Norwegian Refugee Council have said a focus on the Ukraine crisis has reduced the fund-ing available for work in the Horn of Africa. –Agencies