Authorities warn public against AI fraud

BEIJING: Public security departments in multiple cities have recently urged people to be more vigilant after several cases of AI fraud, in which artificial intelligence tools were used to mimic people’s voices and appearances, were exposed.
In a case recently revealed by the public security bureau of Baotou, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, the victim was tricked into initiating a total transfer of 4.3 million yuan ($612,000) via a company account after having a video chat with someone masquerading as his friend.
With the cooperation of the bank, police were able to halt a transfer of 3.37 million yuan, but said they are still trying to recover 931,600 yuan that had already been sent.
On April 20, a man surnamed Guo, a legal representative of a technology company in Fuzhou, Fujian province, received a video call via WeChat from a scammer. Using AI to masquerade as a friend of Guo’s, the scammer asked him for help.
Guo’s “friend” said he was bidding on a project in another city and wanted to use Guo’s company’s account to submit a bid of 4.3 million yuan. He promised to pay Guo immediately.
The scammer then sent a bank account number to Guo and after that provided a screenshot of the bank transfer voucher to prove that he had transferred the money to Guo’s company’s account. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item