Tareen meets Aleem Khan to discuss new political alliance

LAHORE: Senior politician Jahangir Tareen met the former Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf provincial minister Aleem Khan for the formation of a new political alliance.

According to details, Jahangir Tareen and Aleem Khan discussed matters related to the future of the people who have resigned and the making of a new party.

Agencies revealed that participants of the meeting suggested making a new political party instead of a pressure group as the political party will be able to stand for people’s rights.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s Adviser Awn Chaudhry was also present in the meeting, reports said. He the participants of the meeting that more PTI members will leave their party in the coming days and there should be a platform for them.

Furthermore, agencies said that Jahangir Tareen will soon hold a press conference along with other politicians who left PTI.

Earlier, Jahangir Tareen held consultations with the members of his group over the name of the new political party under consideration.

Tareen, a former secretary general of the PTI, held conversations with his group members on the telephone and expected to meet scores of politicians today.

Several PTI politicians, who have left the party in a recent exodus after May 09 protests, have reportedly reached out to Jahangir Tareen.

It was reported on Sunday that former PTI lawmakers Ahmed Shah Khagga, and Saeed Akbar Nawani met with Tareen and discussed ‘future political strategy’.

According to agencies reports, sources closer to Jahangir Tareen claimed that more than 100 politicians were in contact with the Tareen group while several former PTI leaders have agreed to join it.

It is pertinent to mention here that Tareen was the secretary general of the PTI before he was ousted from politics in 2017 after the Supreme Court disqualified him for being “dishonest” on a petition filed by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Hanif Abbasi. —Agencies